
Autodesk Fusion 360 Tutorial Pdf

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

  1. Autodesk Fusion 360 Tutorial Pdf
  2. Autodesk Fusion 360 Tutorial Deutsch Pdf
  3. Autodesk Fusion 360 Tutorial Pdf

This is the course overview to kickoff a series of lectures that will guide you through the first steps of learning about Fusion 360.


0 mins 50 seconds

Lesson 2: Where is my Data?

This lesson shows how Fusion 360 stores your data.


3 mins 41 seconds

Lesson 3: Open/Close/Save

This lesson shows how to upload a file to a cloud project, save a file to a project, and close the file.


3 mins 46 seconds

Lesson 4: Create a Project

This lesson shows how to create a new project and create a folder in a project.


3 mins 24 seconds

Lesson 5: Working with File Versions

This lesson shows how to capture component position, save a new version, and open multiple versions.


6 mins 12 seconds

Lesson 6: Fusion Team and Sharing

This lesson shows how to open a project in Fusion Team, view a design in Fusion Team, and share a link to the design.


7 mins 7 seconds

Lesson 7: Import and Export

This lesson shows how to import an IGES file, turn on capture history, and navigate to another workspace.


5 mins 52 seconds

Autodesk Fusion 360 Tutorial Pdf

Lesson 8: User Preferences

This lesson show how to change user preference settings and turn on Preview functionality.


6 mins 6 seconds

Lesson 9: User Interface Overview

This lesson introduces the main parts of Fusion 360 user interface.


2 mins 21 seconds

Lesson 10: Toolbars

This lesson shows how to customize the Toolbar.


7 mins 56 seconds

Lesson 11: Marking Menu

This lesson shows how to access the Marking Menu.


7 mins 56 seconds

Lesson 12: Toolbox

This lesson shows how to access and customize the Toolbox.


3 mins 17 seconds

Lesson 13: Display Settings

This lesson shows how to change the visual style of the user interface, change the Camera setting, and use the ViewCube to orient view.


3 mins 44 seconds

Lesson 14: Workspaces

This lesson shows how to navigate the Workspaces in Fusion 360.

Autodesk Fusion 360 Tutorial Pdf


3 mins 45 seconds

Lesson 15: Modeling

This lesson introduces the modeling workflow in Fusion 360.


2 mins 58 seconds

Lesson 16: Bodies and Components: Part 1

This lesson shows how to use the Extrude tool to create an empty component.


8 mins 50 seconds

Lesson 16: Bodies and Components Part 2

This lesson continues from the previous one, and shows how to use the Extrude tool to create an empty component.


5 mins 17 seconds

Lesson 17: Capturing History

This lesson shows how to use the Press-Pull tool and toggle Design History on and off.


3 mins 45 seconds

Lesson 18: Direct Editing

This lesson shows how to use the Move/Copy tool and the Delete tool.


4 mins 11 seconds

Lesson 19 Live Review

This lesson shows how to use the Live Review Session collaboration tool.

Autodesk Fusion 360 Tutorial Pdf


1 min 1 second

Lesson 20: Fusion Team

This lesson introduces the Fusion Team Collaboration tool.


0 mins 59 seconds

Autodesk Fusion 360 Tutorial Deutsch Pdf

Lesson 21: Invite and Remove Users from a Project

This lesson shows how to invite a user to a project and remove a user from a project.


5 mins 6 seconds

Lecture: Transitioning from Tinkercad


Autodesk Fusion 360 Tutorial Pdf

This lesson shows the key differences in design workflow between Fusion 360 and Tinkercad.


4 mins 47 seconds

Lecture: Transitioning from Solidworks

This lesson shows the key differences in design workflow between Fusion 360 and Solidworks.


6 mins 44 seconds