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1United States Constitution----FreeView in iTunes2Exploring The United States Constitution----FreeView in iTunes3National Archives DocsTeachDocsTeach is the app for learning with documents, from the U.S. National Archives. Students can enter a classroom code to access and complete activities assigned to them, or choose from a selection of learning activities by historical era.The app works alongside the DocsTeach.org website, where educators can find or create primary source-based activities to share with students either on the website or on their iPads.For Students:• Complete activities assigned by your teacher using the classroom code provided.• Or choose an era and challenge yourself with an activity.• Inspect and analyze digitized primary sources in high resolution.• Engage in activities that help you make sense of stories, events, and ideas of the past using historical documents from the holdings of the U.S. National Archives.For Educators: • Create a classroom of engaging activities in your free account on the DocsTeach.org website, then share the classroom’s auto-generated code with your students to access on their iPads.• Include your favorite activities created by the National Archives or other educators.• Design your own activities to share using the custom activity-creation tools: Discussion Topic, Spotlight, Zoom/Crop, Compare and Contrast, White Out/Black Out, Finding a Sequence, Making Connections, Mapping History, Seeing the Big Picture, Weighing the Evidence, and Interpreting Data.• Learn more at DocsTeach.org/resources/app• Register for a free account at DocsTeach.orgDocsTeach is the online tool for teaching with documents from the U.S. National Archives. It is a product of the National Archives education division and made possible in part by the National Archives Foundation through the support of Texas Instruments, the William Randolph Hearst Foundation, and Capital One.--FreeView in iTunes4The U.S. Constitution at the National ArchivesA look at Constitution-related records in the National Archives Vaults.2:29FreeView in iTunes5Us constitution full text pdfThe Bill Of RightsInformation about the First Federal Congress Project.2:39FreeView in iTunes6Exploring the United States ConstitutionIn celebration of the 225th anniversary of the signing of the Constitution, we have compiled a selection of writings published over the last three decades by the education staff at the National Archives and Records Administration. Each chapter connects one or more of the billions of records in the holdings of the National Archives to the principles found in the United States Constitution. These records exemplify the workings of the three branches of the federal government as laid out in our Constitution.Learn more about eBooks from the National Archives and Records Administration at http://www.archives.gov/publications/ebooks--FreeView in iTunes From Eurofield Information Solutions:
Free Constitution of the United States of America to demonstrate the full features of the eComPress technology--exhaustive indexing of text and numbers, wild card searching, compression of text, graphics and pictures for fast downloading and space saving on your PC, annotations to add in your own intellectual property, preservation of original look and feel of a publication, integrity of publication guaranteed with encoding, CRC checksum and signed certificate. Version 1.9.2 may include Send email button to facilitate emailing notes or annotations to colleagues or collaborators. Please refer to the online help for creating note and emailing note or note pad to others.
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